Project supported by
Sámediggi / Sametinget
The Sami Parliament

Mearradoallu-dállu is the first hybrid exhibition of Johan Sara jr. and is based on the life and mindset of the Coastal Sami people.
“It was natural, as I was born and raised by the sea in Alta and on Stjernøya where our reindeer grazed during summer.”
Johan Sara jr. is a versatile artist who has moved between reindeer herding, the tundra and the sea, Mozart, and an education at the Conservatory of Music in Tromsø.
He produces film, visual art, and sculptures, but is primarily a musician and a composer.
For the past three years, he has been exploring the visual arts.
"Knowing that my ancestors lived here in Alta for hundreds of years generates identity, pride, and a drive to carry on traditions, culture, and hopes for the future"
- Johan Sara jr.
This exhibition includes paintings, soundscapes, and sculptures. Its holistic and interrelated expression depicts Sara’s life - the ups and the downs - using humour, nature, and mysticism. Everything relates to the sea, the coast, fishing, reindeer herding, and integrated farming.
AR / VR / MR / XR Metamedia
Click on the images to the left to open the Metaverse Exhibition in (1), the 360-degree VR Tour (2), the accompanying videos (3,4) or the 3D scans of the installations themselves (5,6,7,8).
Click and drag the media to rotate, and move around inside the Metaverse spaces.
To close again, click outside the window near the screen border.

Mearradoallu-dállu lea Johan Sara jr: a vuosttaš sierračájáhus. Čájáhusa vuolggasadji lea mearrasámi eallin ja jurddašanvuohki.
“Dát lei lunddolaš, go mun lean riegádan ja bajásšaddan mearragáttis Álttás ja Stiertnás gos mis ledje bohccot geasset”.
Johan Sara jr. lea máŋggabealat dáiddár, gii lea boazodoalu, duoddara ja mearragátti sajádagas sirdán Mozartii ja musihkkaohppui Tromssa konservatorias. Son buvttada sihke filmma, govvadáidaga ja skulptuvrraid, muhto ovddemustá son lea musihkkár ja komponista. Golbma maŋimus jagi lea son bargan govvadáidagiin.
For the past three years, he has been exploring the visual arts.
"Go dieđán ahte mu máttut leat orron dáppe Altas máŋgačuođi jagi, dat hukse identitehta, rámisvuođa ja návccaid fievrridit árbevieru ja kultuvrra viidáseappo, ja hábme boahtteáiggi nieguid”
- Johan Sara jr.
Čájáhusas leat njuohtamat, jietnainstallašuvnnat ja skulptuvrrat. Čájáhusas lea holisttalaš, oktilis ovdanbuktin, mii čájeha Sara eallimis sihke buriid ja heajos beliid, humora ja duođalašvuođa, luonddu ja ipmašiid vehkiin. Juohke oasis lea gaskavuohta merrii, mearragáddái, guolásteapmái, boazodollui ja lotnolasealáhussii.

På Norsk:
Mearradoallu-dállu er Johan Sara jr.s første separatutstilling med utgangspunkt i sjøsamisk liv og tankesett.
“Det var naturlig da jeg er født og oppvokst ved havet i Alta og på Stjernøya der vi hadde sommerbeiter for reinflokken vår”.
Johan Sara jr. er en allsidig kunstner som har beveget seg fra reindrift, vidde og hav, til Mozart og musikkutdannelse på konservatoriet i Tromsø. Han produserer både film, billedkunst og skulptur, men er først og fremst musiker og komponist. De siste tre årene har han utforsket billedkunst.
"Å vite at mine forfedre har hatt tilholdssted her i Alta i flere hundre år er med på å skape identitet, stolthet og drivkraft til videreføring av tradisjon og kultur, og drømmer om framtiden”
- Johan Sara jr.
Utstillinga inkluderer malerier, lydinstallasjon og skulpturer. Den har et holistisk, sammenhengende utrykk som skildrer Saras liv på godt og vondt, med humor og alvor, natur og mystikk. Alt relatert til hav, kyst, fiske, reindrift og kombinasjonsdrift.
Alta Museum World Heritage Rock Art Centre
Altaveien 19, 9512 Alta,
Norway -
69°56'51.8"N 23°11'13.2"E
69.947711, 23.186998
Sámi Artist Johan Sara Jr
Metaverse Exhibition
360° Virtual Tour
AR Scanning
Project Partners
Buy The Art

Johan Sara Jr. successfully conducted an art exhibition at Alta Museum from April 20th to September 24th, 2023. The project, entitled "Mearradoallu - Dallu - VR" involved the digitalization and photography of the art exhibition, followed by its establishment in a virtual 3D viewing space or VR exhibition hall.
The project has gone through an exciting and demanding development phase, where various technologies had to work together. There have been stimulating and constructive discussions about the nature of the exhibition hall, whether it should be set in a natural environment or within a building. Ultimately, we opted for multiple rooms within a virtual and digital structure.
Significant time has been devoted to artistic and technological considerations for determining the background and interior design of the rooms. Curating the space and deciding how to showcase the paintings and installations has been an essential part of the process. Johan has also contributed new productions that have been incorporated into the VR space.
Throughout the project, the team has gained new knowledge and insights on how to further work with this medium, platform and visualize its future. It has been an important process for Johan and ETR to learn how to advance and market this platform effectively.
The only remaining task is to organize a presentation in the form of an exhibition opening/vernissage. We are working on incorporating it into a larger public cultural event or gathering that may occur during the autumn and winter, 2023. The VR exhibition will also be open and accessible to the public, from anywhere.

Johan Sara Jr

Johan Sara Jr

Johan Sara Jr

Johan Sara Jr

Johan Sara Jr

Johan Sara Jr

Johan Sara Jr

Johan Sara Jr

Johan Sara Jr